Academic Laboratories
The Academic lab supports students by offering practical hands on tools experiments. Students are introduced to core courses in terms of real time experiment in various laboratories .School of Electronics provides deep knowledge in field of electronic circuit design ,electronics device ,digital electronics circuit, signals & systems, communications system, VLSI & embedded systems, advanced communication, process control & instrumentation and many other streams. Hence core applications in terms of hardware and software designs are practically experienced by students under the guidance of experienced faculties and technical assistants
Lab Equipment :
Laboratory Details :
CRO, Analog Multimeter, Bench Meter (0-1.5 V DC), Bench Meter 0-10 Volt DC, Bench Meter 0-100 mA, Bench Meter 0-100mA, Bench Meter 0-10v DC, Bench Meter 0-200µA, Bench Meter 0-2v DC, Bench Meter 0-50 mA, Bench Meter 0-50mA, Bench Meter 0-200µA, Digital Multimeter, Function Generator, Trainer kit, Regulated Power Supply, Summer / Substractor Integrator & differentiator
Softwares : 1. Orcad PSpice , 2. LabView v. 2016
Lab In-charge:
Prof. M. Behera
Lab Equipment :
Laboratory Details :
A/D Converter, D/A Converter, Digital Multimeter, Lab Designer, Trainer Kit with Wish (imported) Bread Board, Desktops, Total, Softwares, Xillinx ISEv9.2i, NI Labview
Lab In-charge:
Prof. K. B. Ray
Lab Equipment :
Laboratory Details :
Hardware (Digital Signal Processing Kit), TMS320C6713Digital Signal Processing Kit (TI), TMS320C6748Digital Signal Processing Kit (TI), DM6437 Digital Video Development Platform, With Camera module (TI DaVinci Module), Ethernet Device Server Card (Link Research), Desktops (Lenevo),
Software : MATLAB, SIMULINK, Signal Processing Toolbox, DSP System Toolbox, Communication System Toolbox, Image Processing Toolbox, Audio System Toolbox, Computer Vision System Toolbox, Wavelet Toolbox, LTE System Toolbox, Optimization Toolbox, Neural Network Toolbox, Global Optimization Toolbox, MATLAB Compiler, Fixed–Point Designer, MATLAB Coder, HDL Coder
Lab In-charge:
Prof. S. P. Kar
Lab Equipment :
96 PCs
Laboratory Details :
Compact Microwave Labkit for the measurement of properties of Magic Tee, Directional Coupler, Isolator & Circulator, Detector Diode (X-band), SICO MICROWAVE TRAINING KIT (Model No. SX-9004),Compact Microwave Labkit for the Measurement of Radiation pattern and Gain of various Antennae with turn table (X-band), SICO MICROWAVE TRAINING KIT (Model No. SX-9002), Advanced Transmission Line Trainer, SICO, Advanced Microstrip Trainer Kit, SICO ATM (AMTK- 9000C), Magic Tee (X-band) XE-350, 3 dB Waveguide Coupler (X-band) XK-603, 10 dB Waveguide Coupler (X-band) XK-610, Detector Mounts (X-band) XD-451, Direct Reading Frequency Meter (X-band) XF-710, Gunn Oscillator (X-band) XG-11, BNC-to-SMA (male) Cable, BNC-to-SMA (female) Cable, Matched Termination (X-Band), SMA Connector, Wave guide Twist (E-plane to H-plane), Parabolic Disc Antenna (X-Band) for the measurement using Microwave Bench, E-Sectoral Horn (XH-615), H-sectoral Horn (XH-715)
Lab In-charge:
Prof. S. Sahu
Lab Equipment :
Laboratory Details :
CDMA Trainer, GSM Trainer, LAN Trainer,Mobile Phone Trainer, CRO, Desktops
Software : Qualent V 5.2, NS2(Network Simulator), Ubuntu 10.04(Linux)
Lab In-charge:
Prof. A. Mishra
Lab Equipment :
Laboratory Details :
Nexy4DDR board (Xilinx ARTIX 7 FPGA), Atmega 128 Developing Board, Spartan-3 FPGA family, Spartan-3 interfacing module, Unified Technology Learning Platform( ARM Cortex A8 600MHz CPU, DM64X+ 430MHz DSP and Xilinx Spartan-6 LX25T FPGA), Zynq-7000 all programmable SoC, Spartan-6 FPGA family, Virtex-5 FPGA, CPLD trainer kit, Spartan-2 FPGA, VmodBB: VHDC Breadboard ,
PMOD DA4, PMOD HB5 H-bridge driver with feedback input, DC Motor/Gearbox:12V motor, PMOD STEP: Stepper Motor Driver, Stepper Motor , Pmod TMP2: Temperature Sensor , Pmod AD5:4-channel 4.8KHz 24 bit A/D converter, PmodAD2: 4-channel 12 bit A/D converter,
PmodRF2:IEEE 802.15 RF Transceiver , Universal Development System for PIC, dsPIC, AVR, 8051, PSoC and ARM Microcontroller,
2 x 16 LCD, DS1820 Temperature, mikroBoard for ARM 64-pin, mikroBoard for AVR with ATmega128,Graphic LCD 128 x 64 Dots with touch panel, RTC2 Board with DS1307 Serial Real-Time Clock (RTC)& backup supply., EasyADC 12 bit SPI base, 3-Axis Accelerometer SPI Board, Digital Humidity/temperature Sensor(SHT11)board, Easy Bluetooth Board, CAN communication board with SPI interface, Easy WiFi Board, 12-bit DAC board with SPI interface, Wooden Boxes for Micro kit, 3.5’’ inch TFT Touch Screen LCD ARM9 S3C2440 Core Board
Lab In-charge:
Prof. S. Padhy
Lab Equipment :
Laboratory Details :
Temperature transducer trainer, Maxwell’s Bridge, Wheatstone Bridge, Kelvin’s Double Bridge, DC potentiometer, Optical Transducer 0512491, Power measurement by two Wattmeter methods, Owen’s Bridge, Single phase Energy meter trainer, Frequency counter Trainer, Dead Weight Tester , Proximity sensor, Optical encoder, Piezo electric crystal, Load cell, Flow measurement, Bourdon tube pressure gauge, LVDT, inductive and capacitive transducer, LVDT, PID Controller, Linear system simulator, 2nd order system, Schering Bridge, CRO
Lab In-charge:
Prof. S. Roy
Lab Equipment :13
Laboratory Details :
- Universal plc platform with hmi and scada
- speed control of dc motor kit by plc(application module)
- temperature control kit by plc(application module)
- conveyor belt kit by plc(application module)
- pc based control of water flow and level using pid, ratio, cascade controller
- pc based control of airflow , pressure, and temperature using pid, ratio, cascade controller
Lab In-charge:
Prof. D. Mukherjee
Lab Equipment :
Laboratory Details :
- Antenna System Trainer
- 8 bit variable Data Generator
- Carrier Demodulation and Data
- Reformatting Receiver trainer
- CRO 30 MHz
- Delta,Adaptive Delta & Delta sigma
- modulation / demodulation trainer
- Data formatting and Carrier
- Modulation Transmitter trainer
- Fiber Optics Trainer
- Function Generator 3 MHz
- Motorised Antenna Unity
- Optical Power Meter
- Spectrum Analyzer(1.05 GHZ)with kit
- Spectrum Analyzer(3.2 GHZ)sm
- Digital storage oscilloscope
- Trainer kit with wish breadboard
- TDM Pulse Code Modulation Transmitter Trainer
- TDM Pulse Code Demod Receiver
- TDM PAM & Dmod trainer
Lab In-charge:
Prof. S. S. Singh
Lab Equipment :
Laboratory Details :8051 Microcontroller Kit, 8051 Power Supply, 8085 Microprocessor Kit, 8086 Microprocessor Kit,
CRO, Lab Designer Kit, PC,Power supply(8085 MP Kit), Power supply(8086 MP Kit), Trainner kit with Braed Board, EPROM Eraser, EPROM Eraser UP01, EPROM Programmer Interface Module, Stepper Motor & Interface Module & Power supply, Universal EPROM Programmer, 86drv, B30drvm
Software : X8085, Link, Pclink, 86drv, B30drvm
Lab In-charge:
Prof. S. Nanda
Lab Equipment :
Laboratory Details :
CRO, Analog Multimeter, Bench Meter (0-1.5 V DC), Bench Meter 0-10 Volt DC, Bench Meter 0-100 mA, Bench Meter 0-100mA,
Bench Meter 0-10v DC, Bench Meter 0-200µA, Bench Meter 0-2v DC, Bench Meter 0-50 mA, Bench Meter 0-50mA AE, Bench Meter 0-200µA, Digital Multimeter, Function Generator, Trainer kit, Regulated Power Supply, Summer / Substractor Integrator & differentiator Lab Electronics
Lab In-charge:
Prof. Kumar Biswal
Lab Equipment :
96 PCs
Laboratory Details :
Lab In-charge:
Prof. Umesh Chandra Samal
Lab Equipment :
96 PCs
Laboratory Details :
Analog cro, Function generator, Designing board, Multimeter, Dicreate components,
Lab In-charge:
Prof S.K Mishra
Lab Equipment :
96 PCs
Laboratory Details :
Intel Core I3 processor, 2.6 Ghz, 8GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory, 500GB SATA HDD, Intel Gigabit Ethernet LAN, DVD R/W, PS2 Mouse & Keyboard
Lab In-charge:
Prof. S. Pahadsingh