Electronic Measurements Lab
Whether it is in industries or to develop a theory, measurement of various electrical and electronic parameters plays an important role to get an accurate solution. In this E&EM laboratory, we are going to learn how to measure different electrical and electronic parameters such as voltage, current, power, energy, resistance, inductance, capacitance etc. In addition to the measurement, calibration of instruments such as ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter etc. are also in the scope of this laboratory. There are10 experiments (refer to Sec. 7) in this lab including 2 open-ended experiments. These open-ended experiments can be selected later on during the course with a consultation of lab teachers. These experiments should be related to measurements of electronic or electrical quantities. First 8 experiments topics should not be altered without any prior communication to the course coordinator.
Faculty In-charge:
Prof Suman Roy
Technical Asst. In-charge:
Mr. Priyabrata Barik
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