Digital & Linear IC Lab
In this lab a strong foundation for electronic engineers, this lab makes the students understand the fundamentals of Digital Electronics. The Digital Logic Lab is where our students gain practical experience in the use of basic hardware components. Through experiments, students become familiar with gates,Implementations of boolean functions, multiplexers, decoders, flip-flops, counters, registers and displays. The syllabus focuses on Boolean logic functions, Descriptive TTL and CMOS logic, as well as IC logic devices. It describes proper method for detection and correction of common fault potentials.It covers Timer IC application,Analog to Digital Converter and Digital to Analog Converter ,Encoders and Decoders,Shift Registers:Design and implementation,This lab is also used by B.Tech and M.Tech students for executing projects.
Faculty In-charge:
Prof. K. B. Ray
[email protected]
Technical Asst. In-charge:
Mrs. Smruti Rani Samanta