Analog Electronic Circuits Lab
Analog electronic circuit design is one of the important and challenging field in Electronics.During this Lab course simple analog electronic circuits are designed using discrete components like Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, PN junction diodes and Transistors (BJT’s, FET’s, etc.). These designed circuits are tested and verified for their performance under the laboratory conditions using power sources like DC Power supply, AC sources like function generators. Their input and output parameters like input waveforms, output waveforms, input and output current and voltage readings, the impedance or resistance offered by the circuit, etc are analyzed by using measuring instruments like multi-meter and CRO’s. The captured values from the instruments are noted and used for further calculations. Similar to Analog electronics, we have Digital electronics which mainly deals with digital circuit design. A Digital signal can be represented by using only two values 0 or 1 at any instant of time. Logic gates, Flip-Flops, Registers, etc are some examples of basic digital circuits. Digital circuits are mainly classified as Combinational and Sequential circuits. The experiments on these circuits will be dealt in logic design laboratory
Faculty In-charge:
Technical Asst. In-charge:
Mr. Sibram Majhi
- Analog Multimeter
- Bench Meter (0-1.5 V DC)
- Bench Meter 0-10 Volt DC
- Bench Meter 0-100 mA
- Bench Meter 0-100mA,
Bench Meter 0-10v DC - Bench Meter 0-200µA
- Bench Meter 0-2v DC
- Bench Meter 0-50 mA
- Bench Meter 0-50mA AE
- Bench Meter 0-200µA
- Digital Multimeter
- Function Generator
- Trainer kit
- Regulated Power Supply
- Summer / Substractor Integrator & differentiator Lab Electronics